Çerez Örnek

Our Graduates

Raşit MEREDOV (Minister of Foreign Affairs / Turkmenistan)
Murat GARRIYEV (Minister of Justice / Turkmenistan)
Feyzullah RAHMANKULOV (Vice Director of Ashgabat Turkmen Turkish University)
Şadurdı MEREDOV (2nd Undersecretary of Turkmenistan Embassy in Ankara)
Serçe GAYIPOV (General Manager -Ministry of Agriculture / Turkmenistan)
Ulanbek ALİMOV (Academic Staff in Manas University / Kyrgyzstan)
Aygerim DYKKANBAYEVA (Academic Staff in Manas University / Kyrgyzstan)
Bibigül  OSPANALİYEVA (Academic Staff in Pusan East Asia University / South Korea)
  • Twenty of our graduates from our international postgraduate students held on academic, political and commercial duties in a number of country such as USA, Kazakhstan,  Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, China, Georgia.
  • More than forty of our students graduated from postgraduate departments of our Institute held on academic duties such as assistant professor, associate professor and professor in Turkish universities.

Ege Üniversitesi