Çerez Örnek

Department of Turkish Folklore

The Department of Turkish Folklore was founded with the mission to research folkloric oral and intangable cultural heritage, to collect, analyse and present works related to folklore. Our other mission focuses on postgraduate education for the students from Turkey and Turkish republics. 
The department of Turkish folklore researches and interprets the folkloric materials and works related to Turkey and Turkish republics using scientific methods. Collected information are analitical explained. Our scientific projects approach to analyse cultural similarities and dissimilarities. 
The department of Turkish folklore opened within the Enstitute of Social Sciences master studies in the academic year 1994-1995 and postgradual program in the academic year 1998-1999. The master and postgradual studies continues at present.
The scientific projects aimed to research of cultural heritage of the Turkish world are continuously carried out. 
Academic Staff

Head of Dpt. Prof. Metin EKİCİ

Prof. Alimcan İNAYET

Assoc. Prof. Pınar FEDAKAR

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fazıl ÖZDAMAR

Asst. Prof. Nagihan BAYSAL

Res. Asst. Gökçe EMEÇ


Ege Üniversitesi